Sunday, July 16, 2017

Year 1, Turn 6

The final month of the first year is here.  War has not broken out between the factions yet though there are many interwoven alliances some spoken and some secret that threaten an immanent outbreak of battle.

The Abyssal Dwarves were content to wait out the winter with what lands they had acquired especially after the last siege which had granted them a city.  The northern wastelands were scouted and found to contain nothing of interest.  As the Fall began to turn to winter no trade was gained and the fleet prepared to return to friendly ports.

The Rhordians scouted out the northern lone mountain again this time finding out the entire composition of the mercenary nature army.  Seemingly in response the forces of nature descended upon their fortress' lands forcing a confrontation.

 Having re-secured their rule over the village they also scout out the adjacent territory finding a simple village that joins the league.

The Salamanders fleet scouts out an island containing a fortress.  Who or whatever happened to rule this island showed their disapproval of the lizard people by executing the scouts revealing nothing about the independent fortress.

Their ships manage a more friendly encounter with the various ports as they trade gaining 3 gold crowns!

 The elves simply maintain their siege of the fortress starving a further 10 points from them and lowering the nerve on the walls by 2.  They are now down to 910 points though winter is fast approaching and maintaining the siege through the cold will prove difficult should they choose to do so...

Only two un-scouted territories remain on the entire map as the first year comes to a close.  The frozen wastelands will most likely yield nothing so whether or not it is ever scouted remains to be seen.  Next up a short winter break before year 2.

  Spoiler alert: someone dies and weather happens!

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