Monday, June 19, 2017

Year 1, Turn 5 Battles

  This would appear to be a turn of battles indeed!  The first of which is the Salamanders attack on an independent village...

Ghekkotah Revolt

The mostly peaceful Salamanders have run up against a village that refuses to get in line and join the cause.  This unruly village of Ghekkotah have decided to stand in the way of cold blooded progress.

The Salamander army consists of

1 Ankylodon Battle Platform
Clan Lord on Fire drake (Xo Thunder) with Pipes of Terror
Battle Captain on Rhinosaur (Ska Iktar) with Inspiring Talisman
1 Regiment of fire elementals with Brew of Haste
1 Horde of Salamander Primes with Brew of Sharpness
1 Regiment of Kaisenor Lancers with Potion of Caterpillar
Mage priest (Sol Tandur) with Heal 3 and Weakness
Mage Priest on Raptor (Tal Vak) with Soul Drain
1 Regiment of Ancients with Healing Brew

The Ghekkotah's short lived rebellion consists of:

1 Regiment of Warriors
2 Troops of Hunters

The Ghekkotah got a Last Stand Scenario and purchased a Hill and three obstacles to defend.  The grand army of the salamanders charged in from the sides in a pincer move.

Tal vak and Xo Thunder rained fire down upon the hunter troop destroying them utterly.

The warriors foolishly charged into battle against Kaisenor Lancers who were left so dumbfounded by their bravery that they were wavered!

The last troop of hunters managed to do a single point of damage to Ska Iktar enraging both him and the beast.  The little Ghekkotah that could were allowed to feel good about their moral victories for but a brief moment...

Xo Thunder came to the aid of his dumb struck cavalry immediately destroying the warriors.  Finally Ska Iktar charged into the hunters bringing them to their knees and wavering them effectively ending the battle.

Rhordian 'Civil' War

  Second in line of battle are the Rhordians quelling a knightly revolt on their southern border.  Yes it would appear that a contingent of knights have decided to foolishly rebel!

  The rebelling knights consists of a 'historical' list of"

1 Regiment of War elephants (represented by the gryph riders)
1 Regiment of Heavy Cavalry with the Ambushers upgrade
1 Troop of Heavy Cavalry with the Yew Longbow upgrade

  The Rhordian banner consists of

1 Horde of Halfling archers
Von Boos the Headtaker (duke on ancient winged aralez)
1 Regiment of Household Knights with the potion of the Caterpillar
1 Regiment of Dogs of War with Blood of the Old King
Lars the Army Standard bearer with the Lute of Darkness
1 Organ Gun (which we forgot was destroyed earlier in the campaign!)
Gunther the Strange (wizard with bane chant and bloodboil)
1 Horde of Honour Guard with brew of haste
and 1 horde of City Militia

The scenario was morning assault which is a custom scenario for this campaign.  this particular one represents the horrible luck of the knights being awoken at dawn to find that their camp is partially surrounded by the rhordian army forcing a hasty and woefully inadequate defense.

  The knights took up arms and bravely advanced over two turns getting into position.  The Rhordian line continued to advance in an attempt to route the rebellion quickly.

Von Boos rode his griphon into the knight troop single handedly taking the flank and gaining a rather nasty shot at the war elephants rear!  Meanwhile the cavalry regiment ran into the dogs of war causing minimal damage after being repelled.

The war elephants were destroyed quickly by a rear and flank charge while the rest of the knights fell to the double charge of knights and pikemen.

The village was re-claimed for the league and the peasants taught a swift lesson.  As a reward for this epic beatdown the experience gained leveled several units gaining Veteran abilities.

The City Militia and Halfling Archers gained Elite
Dogs of War - Vicious
Household Knights - Headstrong
Honour Guard - +1 Nerve
Lars - Stealthy
and Gunther, the strange - +4 to his Fireball to a Fireball(10)

Siege of the Goblin City

   Last but possibly not least is the combined might of the Abyssal Dwarves and Rhordians against a very stalwart and sneaky pack of Goblin bowmen:

The Abyssal Dwarf force consisted of:

3x hordes of lesser obsidian golems (one of which is proxied as 2 lessers and a greater I did run out...)
1 Horde of Slave Orcs
1 Regiment of Berserkers
1 Regiment of Slave Orcs
2 Katsuchan Rocket Launchers
1 Horde of Deimators with the Chant of Hate
1 Heavy Mortar
2 Regiments of Immortals (1 with brew of strength)
1 Regiment of Halfbreeds
1 Horde of Blacksouls

Overmaster McScrewb leader of the dwarf line with the Banner of the Griffon
Slavedriver Zar'Gozamoth with the Lute of Darkness
Iron Caster Argoth with Surge 8
and Iron Caster Steve of Accounting with surge 8 as well

The Rhordian's came to the battle with:

1 Battle Shrine
2x Hordes of City Militia
1 Regiment of House Guard (still proxied as the dude on the giant base!)
1 Regiment of  dogs of War
2 Troops of Household Knights
2x Volley Guns
Billy the Army Standard Bearer
and Hans the Wizard leaving the battle line.

The Goblins had gathered every last bow, arrow, stick and rock to defend their city to the last with:

2x Hordes of Bowmen
2x Regiments of Bowmen
2x sharp stick throwers

Sadly my goblin army is in major disarray and some proxies were required of course...

The attackers deployed with ladders and a battering ram in an impressive if not will breaking display of power.  The goblins being heavily outnumbered are at -2 to their waver value but would put up an impressive display of murderous prowess during the ensuing battle.  Despite this it was obvious that the final outcome could not result in a true victory...

The combined might of Abyssals and Rhordians charged forward with reckless abandon but before the Goblins started their hail of arrows against the dwarves.  The decimators took 5 damage and the slave orc horde took a further 6!

In retaliation the dwarven artillery fired on the left tower and destroyed a  war machine.

Undaunted by the loss of their artillery the goblins fired another volley in turn two! The damage on both the decimators and orcs pilled up but the decimators stayed true to their dwarven heritage and stayed.  The slaves on the other hand fled the battlefield and would later fail to rally giving the goblins somewhat of a moral victory.

The victory was fleeting however as the artillery again pounded another tower and blew up the goblin artillery.  The blacksouls easily took the center wall slaying the goblins to the last. The city militia likewise takes the gate abandoning their battering ram and slaughtering more goblins.

The immortal guard and the berserkers charged up the ladders causing plenty of damage but failing to route the archers from the walls.  Further on the right the dogs of war attempted to take the wall as well but only managed to waver the goblins.

The goblins were good and dead at this point but unwilling to surrender they poured boiling oil down upon the rhordians and dwarves.  The battle line held however and came back to take the wall in its entirety.

After the battle the orcs were no where to be seen and left the banner for good.  The Immortals, though bloodied, recouped enough to maintain their full strength.  The remaining Abyssal Dwarves gained an experience and all leveled up to Veteran level 1.  The units now gain:

blacksouls horde - elite
Abyssal Berserkers - +1 Defense
Slave Orc regiment - iron resolve
Lesser obsidians - brutal
lesser obsidian - fury (yep sad but true a non wavering unit has fury now)
Katsuchan rockets - +1 nerve
Katsuchan rockets - tough (can't tripple attacks against it)
Steve of Accounting - Heal(4)
Argoth - elite

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